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Wateringbury Scout Group

Leader Checklist


  • Have you read and understood the relevant guidance on the Getting back together safely webpages?
  • Have you incorporated hazards and considerations identified in the relevant guidance into your risk assessment?


  • Have you consulted with volunteers, parents, carers and young people (including Young Leaders)?
  • Do you have enough volunteers to run each session safely and within ratios?*
  • Are any volunteers or young people (or members of their household) vulnerable or shielding? Have you talked with them and agreed appropriate adjustments to ensure they can still be engaged (where they wish)?
  • If you run multiple sessions for smaller groups, do leaders have capacity for extra sessions or would you extend programme activity in alternate weeks, with activities to be done at home for those alternate weeks?
  • Do the adult leaders meeting face-to-face have the appropriate, up-to-date DBS checks (or renewing within the allowed 90 days)? Safety and safeguarding training validation complete? First Aid (where required)?
  • Have you agreed what to do if there is an incident, someone is injured, or shows signed of COVID-19 during a face-to-face meeting? Do all volunteers know what this is?
  • Have you got a way of recording all attendance for each face-to-face session, including adults and visitors / helpers (track & trace) and keep it secure for six weeks?
  • Have you produced a plan for how you intend to communicate with parents/carers?
  • Have you got a safe process for engaging and supporting any parents/carers/new volunteers who may have expressed an interest in volunteering?


  • Are there good quality programme activities on offer?
  • Is the challenge appropriate for the section?
  • Does the programme still support young people to achieve top awards? Can these be done socially distanced/blended with online activities if needed?
  • If needed, are you able to 'buddy up' with other sections/groups to ensure you can deliver a quality programme safely? Are there other volunteers in the District/County who could support you?
  • Are you able to make sure any shared resources used (and surfaces and equipment) are kept clean, between users? Have you identified alternatives options (such as young people bringing their own)?
  • Is your programme flexible enough to be delivered both at home and face-to-face (as requirements allow)?
  • How can those who are unable to attend face-to-face still be included and engaged?


  • Have you selected a proposed meeting place(s)/venue(s) for running your programme and considered how you can meet government guidelines? Including access consideration/drop off and pick up arrangements? Are there passing places or a one way system in place
  • Have you considered what facilities may be needed for handwashing, drying, alcohol hand gel and toilet facilities?
  • Travel: How do volunteers and young people get to the venue? Is it within walking distance? Do people from different households usually car share or take public transport?
  • Have you produced updated risk assessments for each activity and setting?

* Both government and POR requirements.

We Need You!
1st November 2024

Wateringbury Scout group urgently needs You! Do you have a few spare hours each week? Want to do some crazy activities and make a difference to...

Read article

Random Fun Photo!

