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Wateringbury Scout Group

Buying Uniform

So your child wants to join us... they'll need a uniform! :-)

One of the best places to get uniform is online, but kids grow so quickly it's crazy!

We normally suggest getting them a size larger than what they need, that way it will last the section they are in.

Beaver Scouts

They can of course wear their school trousers, but i think you'll agree, activity trousers look nicer for scouting and they won't knacker their school trousers!

Cub Scouts

They can of course wear their school trousers, but i think you'll agree, activity trousers look nicer for scouting and they won't knacker their school trousers!


Scout uniform is much more formal then Beavers or Cubs, this is because we are preparing them for joining secondary school, and thinking further on in life about how much their personal appearance can affect peoples impressions of them... would you employ someone who turns up to an interview wearing a hoodie?

Scout uniform consist of...


You can buy a scarf from us along with the badge that goes on the back from your sectional leader for £10.

St George's Day Parade
28th April 2024

St George's Day Parade

Wateringbury joined the other Scout groups of Maidstone East and West in the St George's Day Parade on Sunday 28th April. We formed part of the...

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Random Fun Photo!

