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Wateringbury Scout Group

Track and Trace

An attendance register will be kept of all members (Adults and Youth) that attend Wateringbury Scout Group meetings, district, county or national events.

This will enable us to pass on the details of all those who may have come into contact with a possible COVID19 case. Details maybe passed to the following parties:

  • District Commissioners and their teams
  • County Commissioners and their teams
  • Scout UKHQ and the safeguarding teams
  • NHS Track and Trace
  • Any law enforcement angency or government body requiring the info in the interests of public health protection.

Only the childs name and parents names will be passed along with a contact telephone number. Any further information must be requested in writing to the Group Scout Leader.

Only the Group Scout Leader or a Commissioner may pass the information to 3rd parties listed above. No section leader, assistant or adult should pass the information.

St George's Day Parade
28th April 2024

St George's Day Parade

Wateringbury joined the other Scout groups of Maidstone East and West in the St George's Day Parade on Sunday 28th April. We formed part of the...

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Random Fun Photo!

Sixer Seconder 11.jpeg
