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Wateringbury Scout Group

Covid-19 and Scouting

2nd April 2020

Covid-19 and Scouting

So when the world gets a horrible virus and we, as adults, have to self-isolate, don't mind having to sit on the sofa watching some TV or work from that comfy chair indoors, but how does it really affect the children around us? They suddenly have to stop seeing their friends face-to-face, can't kick a ball round the park, can't have friends round... It can be quite a strange feeling for them. 

Well I tasked one of our Scouts to write about how the Coronavirus has affected them and normal scouting...

The coronavirus has affected my Scouting life a great deal. To begin with, there have been no weekly meetings, so that means not being able to see my Scout friends and have fun with them or take part in team activities. I really enjoy Scouts and I can't wait to go each week, so this is bad news. Also, the Back to Basics camp has been cancelled and I was looking forward to learning new, exciting skills as well as camping in the cold with everyone else! I thought this would be a great opportunity to meet scouts from other troops in the district. I am disappointed that this had to be cancelled but I understand why.

Covid-19 has meant schools are unfortunately closed. I will not be able to see my school friends at all inside or out of school. Schools being shut also means no official learning, or access to school equipment. I am in year 6 so the SATS are being called off which is a shame because in class we have been working hard toward these tests. I am sad because I will also miss out a few months of my last year of primary school. Secondary school visits will not take place either, therefore, I won't get the opportunity to familiarize myself with my new school before I start.

I enjoy sport and take part in many clubs at school and outside of school and it is unfortunate that these are not happening because I feel that fitness is extremely important for your health. I am particularly disappointed because I am currently working towards completing the NICAS level 2 award at Lower Grange Farm. But with all this happening I think we should stay positive. Luckily, a fitness coach named Joe Wicks, is doing a live P.E class every day on YouTube for the whole world to enjoy and take part in. I love participating in these morning workouts!

Having to stay at home, at the moment, is quite fun but I am not sure how long it will take for my opinion to change! In time, I think it might become boring and restrictive, I also worry that my learning may suffer. At this particular moment, it is vital for everyone to remain positive. One of the good things about staying at home is being able to spend more quality time with family. I am also really enjoying playing out in my garden loads more than usual. Social interaction is very important, so it is great to be able to play and talk online with friends to keep in touch! 


A HUGE thank you to the Scout that wrote this article, it's certainly given me an insight into how Scouting is affected during this difficult time. - Nick (GSL)


We Need You!
1st November 2024

Wateringbury Scout group urgently needs You! Do you have a few spare hours each week? Want to do some crazy activities and make a difference to...

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