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Wateringbury Scout Group

Scouts Mess Around In Boats!

Scouts Mess Around In Boats!

I'm not really sure that this article needs any written bit!

Scouts + Kayaks + Water = FUN FUN FUN!

oh.... and the chance to look cool on a Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP!)

Big thanks to Malc, Jed and all the Kent Scouts Paddle Sports Team for getting us all on the water! :-)

Scouts Kayaking and SUP-2.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-4.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-17.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-22.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-44.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-45.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-51.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-50.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-72.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-75.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-84.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-88.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-92.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-96.jpg
Scouts Kayaking and SUP-100.jpg

Kent Scouts Award Presentation
28th September 2024

Kent Scouts Award Presentation

One of our Scouts was nominated for the "Young Person of the Year" award at this year's Kent Scouts AGM and Awards Presentation for their work in...

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Random Fun Photo!

Sixer Seconder 4.jpeg
