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Wateringbury Scout Group

Community Market Fundraising

17th November 2024

Community Market Fundraising

After much preparation, many lengths of paracord and hundreds of Cobra Knots, Wateringbury Scouts ran a stall in the local Community Christmas Market. Our members worked in shifts to sell paracord woggles, bracelets, napkin holders and dog leads, raising over £180 to help cover the cost of our recently fixed roof. High spirits, amazing support from the community (and a festive turkey hat) made this a brilliant day.

Thank you to all our members and parents who came to help out, and a thank you to everyone who supported our stall, you have all helped to keep Scouting alive in Wateringbury for many years to come.

We Need You!
1st November 2024

Wateringbury Scout group urgently needs You! Do you have a few spare hours each week? Want to do some crazy activities and make a difference to...

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Random Fun Photo!

Martyn and the candidates!
