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Wateringbury Scout Group

Scouts and Guides AGM

27th September 2024

09/27/2024 00:00 09/28/2024 00:00 Europe/London Scouts and Guides AGM The following event has been cancelled due to logistics issues Our AGM will take place in a Zoom Meeting on the 27th of September We apologise for this confusion On the 21st September, Wateringbury Scouts and Guides will hold both our Annual General Meeting in the Wateringbury Village Hall and a simultaneous quiz night fundraiser to raise money for our aging roof, pitting the families of Guiding and Scouting against one another for bragging rights! This meeting is where we elect our Committee members, the incredible hard-working people behind the scenes that allow us to continue our adventures, and grants you the ideal opportunity to have your say in how the group is run We will also be giving presentations on the behind-the-scenes work that goes into keeping our group running We hope that you will enjoy taking a peek behind the curtain at the inner workings of our group, and as for the quiz be prepared!
Scouts and Guides AGM

The following event has been cancelled due to logistics issues. Our AGM will take place in a Zoom Meeting on the 27th of September. We apologise for this confusion.

On the 21st September, Wateringbury Scouts and Guides will hold both our Annual General Meeting in the Wateringbury Village Hall and a simultaneous quiz night fundraiser to raise money for our aging roof, pitting the families of Guiding and Scouting against one another for bragging rights! This meeting is where we elect our Committee members, the incredible hard-working people behind the scenes that allow us to continue our adventures, and grants you the ideal opportunity to have your say in how the group is run. We will also be giving presentations on the behind-the-scenes work that goes into keeping our group running. We hope that you will enjoy taking a peek behind the curtain at the inner workings of our group, and as for the quiz... be prepared!

We Need You!
1st November 2024

Wateringbury Scout group urgently needs You! Do you have a few spare hours each week? Want to do some crazy activities and make a difference to...

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Random Fun Photo!

